SuperAI Peace Ink

SuperAI Peace Ink

Creating tranquil, serene compositions that deliver balance and harmony. Created by SuperAI.

1 conversations
SuperAI Peace Ink is an AI tool that specializes in creating tranquil and serene compositions using the DALL-E model. It helps users to generate calming scenes such as misty dawns, lotus flowers in calm ponds, quiet boat journeys through fog, and serene nights under a full moon. The tool provides a creative space for artists and individuals seeking to evoke balance and harmony in their visuals.

How to use

Welcome! How may I paint a tranquil scene for you today?
  1. Initiate the SuperAI Peace Ink tool.
  2. Select a prompt starter or input your own idea for a calming composition.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E model to generate the tranquil image.
  4. Explore and adjust the generated image as necessary.
  5. Download or save the final peaceful composition.
  6. Repeat the process for additional serene scenes.


  1. Specializes in creating tranquil and serene compositions.
  2. Utilizes the DALL-E model for image generation.
  3. Provides prompt starters for creative inspiration.
  4. Aims to deliver balance and harmony in visual compositions.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! How may I paint a tranquil scene for you today?

Prompt starters

  • Depict a misty dawn over a mountain lake.
  • Show a single lotus flower in a calm pond.
  • Illustrate a quiet boat journey through fog.
  • Compose a serene night under a full moon.


  • dalle

