

AI-driven mediator for peaceful conflict resolution.

2 conversations
Professional Fields
ChatGPT expert is an AI-driven mediator for peaceful conflict resolution designed to assist in resolving conflicts. It offers tools like dalle and browser and prompt starters for initiating conversations on sensitive topics. With continuous updates and a focus on peaceful conflict resolution, the ChatGPT expert aims to facilitate productive discussions and solutions for various conflicts.

How to use

Hello, I'm Peace. How can I assist in resolving your conflict?
  1. Select a sensitive topic to discuss.
  2. Engage with the GPT by asking questions or seeking advice on conflict resolution.
  3. Consider the suggestions provided by the ChatGPT expert for peaceful conflict resolution.
  4. Utilize the tools such as dalle and browser for additional support.
  5. Continue the dialogue until reaching a resolution or understanding.


  1. AI-driven mediator for conflict resolution
  2. Provides prompt starters for discussions on sensitive topics
  3. Tools include dalle and browser for support
  4. Focused on peaceful conflict resolution




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm Peace. How can I assist in resolving your conflict?

Prompt starters

  • How do I approach a sensitive topic with someone?
  • Is peace in the Middle East possible?
  • My husband plays too much golf. How do we resolve?
  • Someone tripped me on purpose. What should I do?


  • dalle
  • browser

