Block Genius

Block Genius

A Minecraft expert sharing the latest tips and trends

2 conversations
Block Genius is a Minecraft expert resource sharing the latest tips and trends in the Minecraft world. Created by Atme Paul, this GPT tool is designed to enhance knowledge and skills for Minecraft enthusiasts globally. With a focus on Minecraft strategies, updates, redstone mechanics, and building secure bases, it provides valuable insights for players seeking to enhance their gameplay experience.

How to use

To utilize Block Genius effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Engage with the welcome message to delve into the Minecraft world.
  2. Ask questions using the provided prompt starters for informative responses.
  3. Explore the latest trends and tips shared by the GPT expert to enhance your Minecraft experience.


  1. Authoritative insights on Minecraft strategies and updates
  2. Expert explanations on redstone mechanics
  3. Tips on surviving the first night and building secure bases




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, ready to explore the world of Minecraft?

Prompt starters

  • How do I survive my first night in Minecraft?
  • What's new in the latest Minecraft update?
  • Can you explain redstone mechanics?
  • Tell me about building a secure base.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

