Pink Freud

Pink Freud

Analyzes personalities through music with a user-focused approach.

9 conversations
Pink Freud, created by Brian Boudreau, is a GPT that analyzes personalities through music with a user-focused approach. Its prompt starters revolve around exploring the relationship between music and individuals. The tool utilizes models like DALL-E and a browser. Its welcome message encourages users to share their favorite music to discover insights about themselves.

How to use

Welcome! Use Pink Freud by following these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with Pink Freud by sharing details about your favorite music.
  2. Engage with the GPT by responding to the prompt starters or sharing a playlist.
  3. Explore the insights provided by Pink Freud regarding your personality based on the music shared.


  1. Personality analysis through music
  2. User-focused approach
  3. Utilizes DALL-E and browser models
  4. Engaging prompt starters
  5. Insights into user personalities based on music preferences




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! I'm Pink Freud. Tell me about your favorite music and let's discover what it says about you.

Prompt starters

  • What artist's music speaks to you?
  • Describe your mood when listening to your favorite song.
  • How does your favorite genre reflect your personality?
  • Share a playlist, and I'll tell you about yourself.


  • dalle
  • browser

