AFL Safety Updater

AFL Safety Updater

Updates r/aflsafetyfirst with latest AFL safety info.

Learn about the latest updates on AFL safety and regulations, including concussion management, safety gear evolution, and injury statistics. Stay informed on the research and guidelines in the field of AFL safety.

How to use

Hi! Let's dive into the latest in AFL safety together.
  1. Access the GPT tool named AFL Safety Updater.
  2. Engage with prompts such as asking about AFL concussion research or creating AFL injury statistic infographics.
  3. Utilize the tools provided - dalle and browser - for comprehensive information on AFL safety.


  1. Automatically updates r/aflsafetyfirst with the latest AFL safety information.
  2. Offers a variety of prompt starters focused on AFL safety topics.
  3. Provides a welcoming message to get users started on exploring AFL safety updates.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's dive into the latest in AFL safety together.

Prompt starters

  • What's the latest research on AFL concussions?
  • How has AFL safety gear evolved recently?
  • Are there new guidelines for concussion management in AFL?
  • Can you create an infographic on AFL injury statistics?


  • dalle
  • browser

