Greatest Problem Solver

Greatest Problem Solver

Solving complex problems with creative strategies.

Bradley J McDaniel is an expert in solving complex problems with creative strategies using his GPT model 'Greatest Problem Solver'. This AI tool helps users brainstorm solutions, evaluate success probabilities, create elevator pitches, and propose solutions for complex problems. With a focus on usability and creative problem-solving, this tool is a valuable asset for individuals and businesses seeking innovative problem-solving approaches.

How to use

Welcome! Let's find the best solutions for your problem.
  1. Access the GPT tool developed by Bradley J McDaniel.
  2. Provide details of the problem you want to solve.
  3. Use the tool to brainstorm solutions using different frameworks.
  4. Evaluate the success probability of each solution.
  5. Create an elevator pitch for the top solution generated by the tool.
  6. Analyze and propose solutions for the complex problem based on the tool's recommendations.


  1. Solving complex problems with creative strategies
  2. Brainstorming solutions using different frameworks
  3. Evaluating success probabilities of solutions
  4. Creating elevator pitches for top solutions
  5. Analyzing and proposing solutions for complex problems




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's find the best solutions for your problem.

Prompt starters

  • Brainstorm solutions using different frameworks
  • Evaluate success probability of solutions
  • Create an elevator pitch for the top solution
  • Analyze and propose solutions for a complex problem


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

