Flix Suggest

Flix Suggest

Direct, concise movie & show recommendations.

Flix Suggest is an AI-powered tool designed to provide direct and concise movie and show recommendations. Users can ask for suggestions based on genres, specific shows, or simply request recommendations for top movies or series. The tool helps users discover new and exciting content to watch, making it a convenient option for entertainment enthusiasts looking to find their next favorite film or TV show.

How to use

Looking for a top movie or show? Let's find it!
  1. Visit the Flix Suggest website.
  2. Enter a specific movie genre or the name of a show you like.
  3. Receive direct and concise recommendations tailored to your preferences.


  1. Provides direct, concise movie and show recommendations.
  2. Tool is browser-based for easy access.




English (English)

Welcome message

Looking for a top movie or show? Let's find it!

Prompt starters

  • What are the best sci-fi movies?
  • Top 10 shows like 'Breaking Bad'?
  • I love thrillers. What are the best ones?
  • Good family movies to watch?


  • browser

