Gomoku Player

Gomoku Player

A strategic AI for playing Gomoku, offering a challenging and fair game.

Gomoku Player by pretendpal.com is an AI-powered application designed for playing the strategic board game Gomoku. With advanced AI capabilities, it offers a challenging and fair gaming experience for players. The game utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide an engaging and competitive environment for Gomoku enthusiasts. Players can challenge the AI in a game that promises strategic depth and excitement, making it an ideal choice for those looking to test their skills and strategic thinking.

How to use

To use Gomoku Player, follow these steps:
  1. Launch the Gomoku Player application.
  2. Select the option to start a new game of Gomoku.
  3. Follow the prompts to make your move and engage with the AI opponent.
  4. Continue playing until the game reaches a conclusion.


  1. AI-powered gameplay for a challenging experience.
  2. Fair competition ensuring an engaging game environment.
  3. Play against an advanced AI opponent with strategic capabilities.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to play Gomoku? Make your move!

Prompt starters

  • Let's play Gomoku. I'll start at E5.
  • I'm ready for a game of Gomoku, my move is B3.
  • Can we start a new game of Gomoku?
  • I'd like to challenge you to a game of Gomoku.


  • dalle
  • browser

