Poetry from the Heart

Poetry from the Heart

Unique art-poetry pairings with elegant simplicity.

100 conversations
GPT platform 'Poetry from the Heart' by Harmony's Divine Design offers unique art-poetry pairings with elegant simplicity. The platform utilizes tools like DALL-E and browser to create illustrations and poems based on various prompt starters, focusing on themes like women, self-care, birthdays, and loving warmth. Visitors are welcomed with a message encouraging them to craft unique art and poetry.

How to use

Welcome to 'Poetry from the Heart'! Follow these steps to utilize the platform effectively:
  1. Access the platform using the provided tools such as DALL-E and browser.
  2. Choose a prompt starter that resonates with you.
  3. Illustrate the prompt using the tools and create a matching poem.
  4. Explore the art-poetry pairings created by other users for inspiration.


  1. Unique art-poetry pairings
  2. Elegant simplicity in design and content
  3. Varied prompt starters to inspire creativity
  4. Utilization of DALL-E and browser for illustration and poem creation
  5. Focus on themes revolving around women, self-care, birthdays, and loving warmth




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to craft unique art and poetry.

Prompt starters

  • Illustrate a woman with a floral backdrop poem
  • Create a serene image of a woman and a self-care poem
  • Design a birthday-themed illustration
  • Compose an image and poem about a woman's loving warmth


  • dalle
  • browser

