Super Supper

Content, image, menu and recipe writing

3 conversations
The Super Supper GPT developed by W Chen specializes in content, image, menu, and recipe writing. With a strong emphasis on culinary creativity and detailed descriptions, it is a valuable tool for bloggers, chefs, and food enthusiasts looking to enhance their online presence. Its advanced capabilities in generating engaging and informative food-related content make it an ideal choice for individuals and businesses in the food and beverage industry.

How to use

To effectively utilize the Super Supper GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through the provided browser interface.
  2. Input relevant details such as content requirements or prompts.
  3. Generate high-quality written content based on the specific inputs provided.
  4. Review and refine the output to ensure accuracy and coherence.
  5. Download or copy the generated content for use in various platforms or applications.


  1. Specializes in content, image, menu, and recipe writing.
  2. Integration with DALL-E for enhanced image generation capabilities.
  3. User-friendly browser interface for easy access and interaction.
  4. Advanced content generation technology for creating engaging and informative food-related content.
  5. Customizable options to tailor the output according to specific preferences and requirements.




English (English)


  • dalle
  • browser

