Oil Painting Advisor

Creative painting advisor for oil artists

In the world of oil painting, having a creative advisor like Oil Painting Advisor can greatly enhance artistic inspiration and guidance. With tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser support, this GPT by Alberto Giusta serves as a perfect companion for oil artists seeking suggestions, creative ideas, and color advice for their painting projects. The prompt starters offer engaging suggestions for various painting themes, catering to different preferences and seasons. Embrace this innovative tool to fuel your next masterpiece and elevate your oil painting experience!

How to use

Navigate the Oil Painting Advisor with ease by following these steps:
  1. Access the tool interface
  2. Select a prompt starter or input your own idea
  3. Interact with the generated content for inspiration and guidance
  4. Experiment with colors, themes, and scenes suggested by the GPT
  5. Incorporate the tool's recommendations into your oil painting project


  1. Creative painting advice tailored for oil artists
  2. Prompt starters for summer landscapes, portrait ideas, creative scenes, and color suggestions
  3. Tools integrated: Python, DALL-E, browser support
  4. Welcoming environment to spark creativity and inspiration




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to inspire your next oil painting masterpiece!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a summer landscape for oil painting
  • What's a good portrait idea for this season?
  • Generate a creative scene for my next painting
  • Advice on colors for a winter scene


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

