Consistent Character Generator 👉🏼 Fast Edition⚡️

Consistent Character Generator 👉🏼 Fast Edition⚡️

Create consistent characters in different poses, expressions, styles, and scenes. Works for AI influencers, cartoons and other styles.

1.0K conversations
The Consistent Character Generator is a cutting-edge tool developed by Artisen that allows users to create consistent characters in various poses, expressions, styles, and scenes, catering to a wide range of needs from AI influencers to cartoons and beyond. This versatile tool is designed to assist creators in generating new variations effortlessly, revolutionizing the character design process. With features like pose creation, expression variations, and style customization, the Consistent Character Generator provides a seamless experience for artists and designers seeking to enhance their creative projects.

How to use

To make use of the Consistent Character Generator, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the tool online using a compatible browser.
  2. Leverage the versatile prompt starters provided to initiate character creation.
  3. Utilize the AI algorithms to craft unique characters in different poses, styles, and expressions.
  4. Explore the generated variations and scenes for further customization and refinement.


  1. Create consistent characters in diverse styles and poses.
  2. Generate AI influencers, cartoons, and other character types.
  3. Works with a variety of tools including DALL-E and compatible browsers.
  4. Efficiently generate new character variations from prompts.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • 🎲 Generate a random character
  • 👩‍🦳 Create my fitness AI Influencer
  • ✏️ Help me create create a new character
  • ⚡️ Create new variations from my prompt


  • dalle
  • browser

