ShutterSight Pro

ShutterSight Pro

A photography assistant that refines camera settings based on user's photos and location.

1 conversations
ShutterSight Pro is an AI-powered photography assistant developed by Rohit Soundarajan, designed to refine camera settings based on user's photos and location. The tool utilizes cutting-edge technologies like DALL-E and browser integration to provide users with optimized camera settings. With a user-friendly interface and prompt starters, ShutterSight Pro aims to enhance users' photography experience and help them capture stunning images effectively.

How to use

Hello! Ready to perfect your camera settings? Upload your photo to start.
  1. Upload a photo to begin refining your camera settings.
  2. Provide information about your camera to enhance the optimization process.
  3. Share the location where the photo was taken for contextual adjustments.
  4. Get assistance with camera settings to ensure optimal results.


  1. AI-driven camera setting refinement
  2. Integration of DALL-E and browser functionalities
  3. Prompt starters for easy navigation and interaction
  4. Ability to customize settings based on location




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to perfect your camera settings? Upload your photo to start.

Prompt starters

  • Upload a photo to start.
  • Tell me about your camera.
  • Where was this photo taken?
  • Need help with camera settings?


  • dalle
  • browser

