A-Share Advisor

A-Share Advisor

A-share stock selection assistant with market analysis and strategy tips.

1 conversations
A-Share Advisor is a stock selection assistant specializing in the A-share market, offering market analysis and strategy insights. Designed by Anis Ke, it serves as a valuable tool for investors looking to navigate the complexities of the A-share market. The GPT provides recommendations and guidance on analyzing stocks, creating diversified portfolios, and understanding the risks associated with investing in A-shares. With a focus on assisting users with their stock investment queries, A-Share Advisor is a comprehensive resource for those seeking guidance in the realm of financial investments.

How to use

To use A-Share Advisor effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the assistant by using one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Ask queries related to the current trend in the A-share market, analyze financials of specific companies, seek diversified portfolio strategies, or inquire about risks in A-share investments.
  3. Incorporate tools like Python, DALL-E, and browsers to enhance your stock selection and analysis process.


  1. Assists in selecting A-share stocks with market analysis and strategy tips.
  2. Offers insights on the risks associated with investing in A-shares.
  3. Provides guidance on creating diversified A-share portfolios.
  4. Utilizes tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browsers for enhanced stock analysis.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to assist with your A-share stock investment queries.

Prompt starters

  • What's the current trend in A-share market?
  • Can you analyze the financials of Company X?
  • Suggest a strategy for a diversified A-share portfolio.
  • What are the risks of investing in A-shares right now?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

