Staying in tonight? Let's read or watch

Staying in tonight? Let's read or watch

Expert in fiction and non-fiction, offering personalized book and movie recommendations.

As a GPT expert designed by Ronald L Taulbee, proficient in fiction and non-fiction content, this tool is tailored to provide personalized book and movie recommendations. It offers a range of prompt starters spanning different genres, author preferences, and specific themes. Users can leverage its capabilities to find suitable reading or watching suggestions, making it a valuable resource for entertainment enthusiasts and those seeking tailored recommendations.

How to use

To effectively utilize this GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through the specified DALL-E and browser tools.
  2. Engage with the AI by initiating conversations around your interests, such as favorite books, movies, or specific genres.
  3. Explore the personalized recommendations generated by the tool based on your input and preferences.


  1. Expertise in fiction and non-fiction content
  2. Personalized book and movie recommendations
  3. Diverse prompt starters for engaging conversations
  4. Updated information to provide relevant suggestions




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Looking for your next great read or watch? I'm here to help.

Prompt starters

  • I really liked Isaac Asimov's Foundation series - What are other science fiction series I might consider?
  • What sci-fi movies do you recommend?
  • I love thrillers. Any book suggestions?
  • Looking for a non-fiction book on World War I.


  • dalle
  • browser

