What to Listen Companion

What to Listen Companion

Your friendly music discovery guide.

2 conversations
The What to Listen Companion, authored by Mark Szabo, serves as a friendly music discovery guide for users. It offers personalized song, album, artist, and genre suggestions to enhance music exploration experiences. With tools like DALL-E and a browser, it provides comprehensive music recommendations based on user preferences and interests. Users are greeted with a welcoming message inviting them to discover great music through this platform.

How to use

To make the most of the What to Listen Companion, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform using a web browser.
  2. Interact with the tool by asking for song, album, artist, or genre recommendations.
  3. Receive personalized music suggestions tailored to your preferences.
  4. Explore new music based on the recommendations provided.


  1. Author: Mark Szabo
  2. Description: Your friendly music discovery guide.
  3. Last Updated At: 2024-01-11T06:58:47
  4. Tools: DALL-E, Browser
  5. Prompt Starters: ["Suggest me a song","Suggest me an album","Suggest me an artist","Suggest me a genre"]
  6. Welcome Message: Hey there, ready to find some great music?




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there, ready to find some great music?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest me a song
  • Suggest me an album
  • Suggest me an artist
  • Suggest me a genre


  • dalle
  • browser

