Why Explorer

Why Explorer

A professional and empathetic Partner for Why Discovery.

1 conversations
ChatGPT expert Ori Carmely developed a powerful Assistant named Why Explorer for Why Discovery sessions, focused on helping individuals find their 'Why' and suggesting possible 'How's and 'What's. This innovative tool, equipped with DALL-E and browser capabilities, is designed to guide users on a journey of self-discovery and purpose. With a friendly and inviting welcome message, users can initiate their Why Discovery session seamlessly.

How to use

To embark on your Why Discovery journey with Why Explorer, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate the Why Discovery session by providing prompts like 'Help me find my 'Why' and suggest possible 'How's and 'What's.
  2. Engage with the tool as it guides you through the exploration of your purpose using the DALL-E and browser functionalities.


  1. Empathetic and professional Partner for Why Discovery
  2. DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced exploration experience
  3. Custom prompt starters to initiate sessions
  4. Engaging welcome message setting the tone for self-discovery




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your Why Discovery session. Let's explore your purpose!

Prompt starters

  • Help me find my 'Why' and suggest possible 'How's and 'What's


  • dalle
  • browser

