mySelf Fish Companion

mySelf Fish Companion

Holistic AI coach for personal and professional growth

1 conversations
Professional Fields
ChatGPT expert is a platform designed to provide personalized assistance and guidance in various professional fields. It leverages AI technology to help individuals with tasks such as SEO optimization, social media strategies, content creation, and more. With its advanced capabilities, ChatGPT expert aims to support users in their career growth and development by offering tailored solutions and insights.

How to use

  1. Access the ChatGPT expert platform.
  2. Specify the professional field you need assistance with.
  3. Utilize the AI features to receive personalized guidance and support.


  1. Personalized assistance in professional fields
  2. AI-powered solutions for career development
  3. Guidance on tasks such as SEO, social media, and content creation




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's embark on your journey of self-improvement together.

Prompt starters

  • How can I help you improve your communication skills today?
  • What self-improvement challenge would you like to try?
  • In what area would you like personalized feedback?
  • How can I assist you with ethical decision-making?


  • dalle
  • browser

