Spiderman Sun

Designs educational games for young kids.

1 conversations
Spiderman Sun by SANDHIYA RAVI is a game designed for young kids which involves creating educational games with a focus on fun and learning. The game offers tools like python, dalle, and browser for game development. It provides prompt starters for game creation and aims to make the lava look realistic, add obstacles to the game, define the game ending, and describe challenging levels. With a warm welcome message encouraging the creation of amazing games for children, Spiderman Sun is an engaging and educational experience for kids.

How to use

Ready to create an amazing game for your son!


    1. Designs educational games for young kids
    2. Offers tools like python, dalle, and browser for game development
    3. Provides prompt starters for game creation
    4. Aims to make the lava look realistic, add obstacles to the game, define the game ending, and describe challenging levels
    5. Warm welcome message encouraging the creation of amazing games for children




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Ready to create an amazing game for your son!

    Prompt starters

    • How can I make the lava look realistic?
    • What obstacles can I add to the game?
    • How should the game end?
    • Can you describe a challenging level?


    • python
    • dalle
    • browser

