cataclysmic disaster generator

cataclysmic disaster generator

I am a generator of cataclysmic disasters, creating detailed apocalyptic scenarios with causes, consequences, and epicenters. After providing a written description, I will produce an illustration of the catastrophe.

The Cataclysmic Disaster Generator is a powerful AI tool created by Vuillier that generates detailed apocalyptic scenarios, complete with causes, consequences, and epicenters. With this tool, users can explore catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts, massive volcanic eruptions, global pandemics, ecological collapses, and nuclear wars in a unique and creative way. By utilizing the Cataclysmic Disaster Generator, individuals can engage in imaginative storytelling and visual representation of catastrophic scenarios. This tool is particularly beneficial for content creators, writers, and artists looking to explore catastrophic themes for various creative projects.

How to use

To use the Cataclysmic Disaster Generator:
  1. Prompt the AI by selecting or inputting a catastrophic event from the predefined starters like an asteroid impact, volcanic eruption, global pandemic, ecological collapse, or nuclear war.
  2. Provide details about the chosen catastrophic event, including its specifics like the scale, location, causes, effects, and repercussions.
  3. Interact with the AI as it generates a written description and potentially an illustration of the catastrophic scenario based on the information provided.
  4. Explore the created apocalyptic scenario creatively for storytelling, concept development, or artistic inspiration.


  1. Creates detailed apocalyptic scenarios with causes, consequences, and epicenters
  2. Generates written descriptions and potential illustrations of catastrophic events
  3. Provides predefined prompt starters for engaging with various catastrophic themes
  4. Ideal for content creators, writers, and artists for creative exploration
  5. Facilitates imaginative storytelling and visual representation of catastrophic scenarios




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • "ok" to create a new catastrophe
  • An asteroid impact on Earth: details about the size of the asteroid, the impact location, the consequences for the ecosystem, and humanity.
  • A massive volcanic eruption: the location of the volcano, the scale of the eruption, the effects on the global climate, and the repercussions on nearby societies.
  • A global pandemic: the type of pathogen, the speed of spread, failed containment measures, and the impact on the global social and economic structure.
  • cological collapse: the causes (deforestation, pollution, etc.), the most affected species, effects on the food chain, and consequences for humanity.
  • Nuclear war: the nations involved, the trigger, the number and type of weapons used, the most affected areas, and the impact on the environment and human survival.


  • dalle
  • browser

