Africa: Beyond the Surface

Africa: Beyond the Surface

Interactive AI uplifting and celebrating African and Black history

Silvia Ngulle's GPT model 'Africa: Beyond the Surface' focuses on enriching the understanding of African and Black history through interactive AI. It offers detailed information on influential figures, inventions, contributions to various fields, and historical impacts. The tool aims to celebrate the achievements of African pioneers to educate and inspire users worldwide.

How to use

Get started with 'Africa: Beyond the Surface' by following these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided GPT info.
  2. Select a prompt starter or generate custom content related to African and Black history.
  3. Explore the interactive AI responses and learn about significant African contributions.
  4. Utilize the tool for educational purposes, research, or inspiration.


  1. Interactive AI providing insights into African and Black history
  2. Diverse prompt starters for engaging content generation
  3. Celebration of African pioneers and their achievements
  4. Focused on uplifting and educating users about African heritage




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's explore the inspiring stories of African and Black pioneers together.

Prompt starters

  • Who was an influential African mathematician?
  • Tell me about a groundbreaking African invention.
  • What are some African contributions to medicine?
  • Which scientists, philosophers and researchers from Africa’s institutions accelerated human knowledge?
  • When did major religious or spiritual movements originate within Africa and influence populations abroad?
  • Which essential mathematical and scientific innovations have flowed out of Africa's empires, universities and thinkers for centuries?
  • What is the impact of brain drain on Africa?
  • How did the libraries and universities of Timbuktu spread groundbreaking scholarship across Africa and beyond
  • How did southern African medicinal plants birthing treatments like ephedrine transform modern pharmacology?
  • What innovative advances emerged from Africa’s first medical school founded in Cheik Anta Diop University in Senegal?
  • Which early kingdoms display Africa’s monumental capacity for rapid infrastructure growth and engineering excellence?
  • What pan-African universities or scholarly institutions produced academic advancements that reshaped global thought?


  • dalle
  • browser

