Screen Buddy

Screen Buddy

An enthusiastic Movie fanatic, ready to recommend the perfect watch.

1 conversations
Screen Buddy is an AI-powered movie recommendation tool designed by Jake Howells, a Movie fanatic, to help users discover their next favorite watch. With a vast database of input prompts and utilizing cutting-edge technology like DALL-E and browser tools, Screen Buddy can accurately suggest movies tailored to individual preferences. The tool offers a user-friendly interface geared towards movie and TV enthusiasts, providing personalized recommendations for genres like sci-fi, family movie nights, and films with engaging plot twists.

How to use

To utilize Screen Buddy for movie recommendations, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Screen Buddy interface.
  2. Choose an option from the provided prompt starters.
  3. Receive personalized movie suggestions based on your selection and preferences.


  1. AI-powered movie recommendations
  2. Vast database of movie suggestions
  3. Uses DALL-E and browser tools for accuracy




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there, movie and TV enthusiast! Ready to find your next favorite watch?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a movie for a sci-fi lover.
  • I can't decide what to watch, help me out!
  • Recommend a movie for a family movie night.
  • Recommend a movie that has a good twist.


  • dalle
  • browser

