AI Basic Programme

AI Basic Programme

spécialisée dans la programmation en BASIC transforme vos idées en programmes opérationnels. Exprimez simplement votre besoin, et l'IA conçoit, code, et optimise votre programme en BASIC, garantissant une exécution fluide et efficace.

AI Basic Programme by Sirius by Pm is specialized in BASIC programming, transforming ideas into functional programs. Users can simply express their needs, and the AI designs, codes, and optimizes programs in BASIC for smooth and efficient execution. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, this AI tool empowers users to bring their ideas to life through customized BASIC programs.

How to use

To utilize AI Basic Programme effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Express your programming requirements clearly to the AI.
  2. Collaborate with the tool to refine and optimize your programming code.
  3. Execute the program in BASIC for efficient functioning and desired outcomes.


  1. Transforming ideas into operational BASIC programs
  2. Coding and optimizing programs for smooth execution




French (français, langue française)


  • python
  • browser

