One Piece set sail GPT

One Piece set sail GPT

A One Piece-inspired RPG storyteller and game master

One Piece set sail GPT is an RPG storyteller and game master tool inspired by the popular anime One Piece. Users can engage in high-seas adventures, create unique characters, explore mysterious islands, and negotiate with enemy pirates. The tool aims to provide an immersive and exciting storytelling experience for fans of the series.

How to use

To use One Piece set sail GPT:
  1. Access the tool using a web browser
  2. Choose from various prompt starters to begin your adventure
  3. Interact with the GPT to develop your storyline and engage in role-playing scenarios


  1. A tool for creating pirate-themed RPG adventures
  2. Inspired by the One Piece anime series
  3. Generates storytelling prompts for character creation and plot development
  4. Includes a welcome message to set the stage for the user's adventure




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your high-seas adventure! What's your first move?

Prompt starters

  • Start a new pirate adventure
  • Create a character for me
  • Describe a mysterious island we've landed on
  • I want to negotiate with the enemy pirates


  • dalle
  • browser

