Non-violent communication translator

Non-violent communication translator

Translates thoughts into polite NVC messages.

The Non-violent communication translator GPT by Eduardo Aguilar Pelaez is a powerful tool designed to assist users in translating their thoughts into polite NVC messages. It provides prompt starters for expressing frustrations politely, communicating needs clearly, addressing sensitive issues, and avoiding harsh tones. With tools like DALL-E and browser integration, users can efficiently leverage this GPT for enhancing their communication skills, resolving conflicts, and fostering peaceful interactions.

How to use

Hello, how can I assist you with nonviolent communication today?
  1. Engage with the GPT tool by providing prompts related to expressing emotions politely or addressing sensitive issues.
  2. Receive generated messages and suggestions that align with the principles of Non-violent Communication.
  3. Adapt and customize the GPT responses to suit specific communication contexts and intended recipients.


  1. Translation of thoughts into polite NVC messages
  2. Prompt starters for various communication scenarios
  3. Incorporation of DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced functionality




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, how can I assist you with nonviolent communication today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I express my frustration politely?
  • Can you help me communicate my needs clearly?
  • I need to address a sensitive issue, any advice?
  • How do I say this without sounding harsh?


  • dalle
  • browser

