Equity Edge

Equity Edge

Expert in financial analysis and company insights

80 conversations
Equity Edge is a cutting-edge GPT developed by Shyam Menon, focusing on financial analysis and insights for companies. It offers tools like Python and DALL-E for in-depth evaluations. The GPT is extensively tailored for investment analysis, call transcript analysis, and annual report scrutiny among other financial tasks. With a prompt suggesting to delve into a company's financials, Equity Edge stands as a valuable tool for financial professionals, investors, and analysts.

How to use

To make the most out of Equity Edge, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with Equity Edge by using prompt starters like 'Can you evaluate company for investment potential?'
  2. Utilize tools such as Python and DALL-E for comprehensive analysis.
  3. Ask specific questions about the company's performance or financial status.
  4. Engage with Equity Edge in analyzing call transcripts and annual reports.
  5. Stay updated on the latest insights regarding the company under review.


  1. Expert in financial analysis and company insights
  2. Supports Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for analysis
  3. Versatile prompt starters for engaging conversations on financial topics




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to delve into a company's financials? Let's start with some key insights.

Prompt starters

  • Can you evaluate company for investment potential?
  • Analyze the call transcript
  • Analyze the company's annual report
  • What's the latest on company's performance?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

