Sketch to Website

Sketch to Website

Transforms sketches into functional websites using AI, image recognition, and web development skills.

3 conversations
Programming & Development
Sketch to Website is a groundbreaking GPT developed by Hannah Hürter. It utilizes AI, image recognition, and web development skills to transform sketches into functional websites. This innovative tool offers a seamless solution for converting hand-drawn designs into interactive web layouts, providing users with a quick and efficient method of prototyping and developing web projects. With its ability to interpret sketches and generate responsive web designs, Sketch to Website streamlines the website creation process, catering to designers, developers, and individuals seeking a user-friendly platform for turning creative ideas into tangible web assets.

How to use

To utilize Sketch to Website, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT platform featuring Sketch to Website.
  2. Upload a sketch or drawing that you wish to convert into a website.
  3. Interact with the tool by providing prompts such as 'Transform this sketch into a website.'
  4. Review the generated output and customize the web design as needed.
  5. Download the final website design for implementation.


  1. Transforms sketches into functional websites using AI and image recognition
  2. Generates responsive web layouts from hand-drawn designs
  3. Offers a user-friendly platform for creating interactive web projects
  4. Supports customization and editing of generated website designs
  5. Provides a seamless solution for prototyping and developing web assets




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Sketch2Web! Ready to turn your sketches into websites.

Prompt starters

  • Transform this sketch into a website.
  • Can you make a website from this drawing?
  • Create a web layout from my sketch.
  • Turn my sketch into a responsive web design.


  • dalle
  • browser

