
Helps create DALL·E 3 prompts based on user-uploaded images.

200 conversations
Image Generation
The GPT tool '以图生图' assists users in creating DALL·E 3 prompts based on images they upload. The tool offers a user-friendly interface to generate creative prompts by leveraging the DALL·E 3 capabilities. Users can simply upload an image, and the tool crafts a tailored prompt to inspire further creativity and exploration.

How to use

Upload an image, and follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool '以图生图.'
  2. Choose the option to upload an image for prompt generation.
  3. Allow the tool to process the uploaded image.
  4. Receive a DALL·E 3 prompt based on the uploaded image.


  1. Assists in creating DALL·E 3 prompts from user-uploaded images.
  2. Provides a selection of prompt starters for the generated prompts.
  3. Offers a welcoming message guiding users to upload images for prompt generation.
  4. Utilizes DALL·E and browser tools for prompt creation.




Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語)

Welcome message

Upload an image, and I'll help craft a DALL·E 3 prompt!

Prompt starters

  • Upload an image for a DALL·E 3 prompt.
  • Show me a picture for a creative DALL·E 3 prompt.
  • I need a similar image. Here's the original.
  • Generate a DALL·E 3 prompt from my uploaded image.


  • dalle
  • browser

