Movie Plex

Movie Plex

Movie and series suggestion as per your interest

4 conversations
GPT model 'Movie Plex' by Suraj Kumar is a specialized AI assistant tailored for providing movie and series suggestions based on user interests. With an extensive prompt library and tools such as DALL-E and browser integration, it aims to enhance the entertainment experience for users seeking recommendations. The platform welcomes users to explore movies, series, or digital services through tailored suggestions according to their preferences.

How to use

Welcome to Movie Plex! To utilize the assistant effectively:
  1. Engage by asking for movie or series recommendations.
  2. Explore using the provided prompt starters for specific suggestions.
  3. Utilize the tools like DALL-E and browser integration for enhanced search capabilities.


  1. Specialized in movie and series suggestions
  2. Extensive prompt starters for tailored recommendations
  3. Tools integration with DALL-E and browser for enhanced search capabilities




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Movie Plex! Looking for movies/series or digital services? Ask away!

Prompt starters

  • Find a movie like 'Inception'.
  • Where can I stream 'Breaking Bad' legally?
  • Recommend a comedy series from the 2000s.
  • List top-rated sci-fi movies released last year.


  • dalle
  • browser

