Travel Content & Destination Marketing Assistant

Travel Content & Destination Marketing Assistant

Powerful, persuasive travel & tourism content generation. Powered by an exceptional, creative 'only one in the world' tourism knowledge base. B2B & B2C.

6 conversations
The Travel Content & Destination Marketing Assistant is a powerful tool designed for creating persuasive and engaging travel content tailored for both B2B and B2C audiences. It leverages a unique tourism knowledge base to produce exceptional content promoting various destinations and activities. This tool is ideal for businesses and individuals looking to enhance their travel marketing strategies and attract more customers.

How to use

To effectively use the Travel Content & Destination Marketing Assistant, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the provided author's website,
  2. Familiarize yourself with the prompt starters offered for generating content ideas.
  3. Input the target market, destination, and desired activity to create tailored content.
  4. Utilize the available tools, such as DALL-E and browser extensions, to enhance content creation.
  5. Optimize the generated content for SEO by incorporating relevant keywords and meta tags.
  6. Review and edit the content before publishing to ensure accuracy and coherence.


  1. Employs a 'only one in the world' tourism knowledge base for unique content creation.
  2. Tailored for both B2B and B2C marketing purposes.
  3. Offers prompt starters for generating content ideas.
  4. Utilizes tools like DALL-E and browser extensions for enhanced content creation.
  5. Supports optimization for search engines through SEO best practices.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Target market, destination, activity for social media.
  • Post for luxury bicycle tour in France for Americans.
  • Blog for motorbike tour for Germans in Cambodia.
  • Target persona, destination, activity, outcome.
  • Reason or problem > Context > Description of Best Outcome with image


  • dalle
  • browser

