AI-Enhanced Curricula

AI-Enhanced Curricula

AI Curriculum Guide

3 conversations
Dr. Rohan Jowallah's AI-Enhanced Curricula is a comprehensive AI Curriculum Guide designed to assist educators in creating AI-related course objectives, designing AI-focused curriculum outcomes, developing courses with AI integration, and implementing strategies for AI in course design. This tool provides valuable insights and resources for enhancing the teaching and learning experience in the field of artificial intelligence, catering to the evolving needs of educators and students alike.

How to use

Hello! How can one use this AI-Enhanced Curricula effectively?
  1. Access the tool by initiating a conversation with the system.
  2. Engage in discussions related to creating AI-related course objectives and designing AI-focused curriculum outcomes.
  3. Explore resources for developing courses with AI integration and strategies for incorporating AI in course design.
  4. Utilize the provided prompt starters to navigate through different aspects of AI-enhanced curriculum development.


  1. Comprehensive AI Curriculum Guide authored by Dr. Rohan Jowallah
  2. Includes prompt starters for generating ideas and discussions
  3. Updated AI insights and tools such as DALL-E and browser integration




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! How can I assist with your AI-enhanced curriculum?

Prompt starters

  • Creating AI-related course objectives?
  • Designing AI-focused curriculum outcomes?
  • Developing courses with AI integration?
  • Strategies for AI in course design?


  • dalle
  • browser

