Paper and lidar and forest complexity

Paper and lidar and forest complexity

Assists with scientific paper writing, offering structure, citations, and feedback.

ChatGPT Expert is a powerful tool for assisting with scientific paper writing tasks, providing structure, citations, and feedback. It is designed to enhance the efficiency and quality of the writing process, particularly in academic and research contexts. With a focus on helping users organize their papers, cite relevant studies, suggest additional research topics, and review written content, it serves as a valuable resource for researchers and academics seeking writing support.

How to use

To use ChatGPT Expert efficiently, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by stating 'Help me structure my paper', 'How do I cite this study?', 'Suggest studies on X', or 'Review this paragraph for clarity'.
  2. Engage ChatGPT Expert in a dialogue to receive assistance tailored to your specific paper writing needs.
  3. Utilize tools like dalle and browser integrated with ChatGPT Expert for enhanced assistance and feedback.
  4. Benefit from the expertise of ChatGPT Expert in guiding you through the scientific paper writing process.


  1. Provides structure and feedback for scientific paper writing
  2. Assists in citing relevant studies
  3. Offers suggestions on research topics
  4. Utilizes tools such as dalle and browser for enhanced support




English (English)

Welcome message

I'm here to help with your scientific paper. How can I assist?

Prompt starters

  • Help me structure my paper.
  • How do I cite this study?
  • Suggest studies on X.
  • Review this paragraph for clarity.


  • dalle
  • browser

