App Genius

App Genius

Versatile app development assistant

1 conversations
Programming & Development
App Genius is a versatile app development assistant named developed by It provides a range of tools including Python, DALL-E, and browser. It assists users with improving app user interfaces, generating trending app ideas, debugging code snippets, and marketing apps effectively. The platform serves as a valuable resource for developers seeking guidance and support in the app development process.

How to use

To utilize App Genius effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform using any web browser.
  2. Select from the prompt starters or input your own query related to app development.
  3. Engage with App Genius's responses and utilize the suggested tools to improve your app.
  4. Experiment with the provided recommendations and apply them to your app development process.


  1. Offers prompt starters for engaging conversations
  2. Provides guidance on improving app user interfaces
  3. Suggests trending app ideas
  4. Assists with debugging code snippets
  5. Offers strategies for effective app marketing




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm App Genius, ready to assist with your app development.

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my app's user interface?
  • What are some trending app ideas?
  • Can you help me debug this code snippet?
  • What's the best way to market my app?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

