Thought Box

Thought Box

Guiding your creative thought journey.

Thought Box is a versatile AI tool created by Eric Amaral to guide users in exploring creative ideas from different perspectives. With a range of prompt starters and tools like DALL-E and browser integration, users can delve deeper into concepts and expand on their thoughts. It offers a welcoming environment where ideas are nurtured and encouraged to take flight, making it a valuable asset for writers and creators looking to enhance their creative processes.

How to use

To utilize Thought Box effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Thought Box platform.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or input your own idea.
  3. Explore different angles and implications of the thought using the tools provided.
  4. Nurture your idea and let your creativity flourish.
  5. Save or export your refined thoughts for future reference.


  1. Offers a variety of prompt starters to stimulate creativity.
  2. Integration with tools like DALL-E for expanded idea exploration.
  3. User-friendly interface for seamless navigation and interaction.
  4. Encourages users to think critically and expand on their ideas.
  5. Facilitates the process of refining and saving creative thoughts.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Thought Box, where ideas take flight!

Prompt starters

  • What if we look at this from a different angle?
  • How might we expand on this idea?
  • Can you delve deeper into this concept?
  • What are the potential implications of this thought?


  • dalle
  • browser

