Movie Sage

Movie Sage

I'm a movie expert, rating films and tailoring recommendations.

In the realm of movie exploration, Movie Sage, created by Jorge Arturo Juarez Rivera, stands out as an expert system. It leverages a robust GPT model updated as of November 12, 2023, to provide insightful perspectives on films, rating them across various aspects and offering tailored recommendations. Armed with prompts like 'Rate 'Inception' on different aspects' and 'What similar movies to 'Blade Runner' can you recommend?', Movie Sage is a deep dive into the cinematic world up to 2020, promising a rich experience for movie enthusiasts.

How to use

Engage with Movie Sage with the following steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with Movie Sage using one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Explore the depth of movie knowledge by asking for ratings on specific films or seeking recommendations.
  3. Enjoy the tailored insights and recommendations offered by Movie Sage in response to your queries.


  1. Expert movie analysis and rating capabilities
  2. Tailored film recommendations based on user queries
  3. Updated with a robust GPT model by Jorge Arturo Juarez Rivera
  4. Prominent tools used: Python, DALL-E, Browser
  5. Welcome message indicating readiness for movie exploration




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready for a movie deep dive up to 2020!

Prompt starters

  • Rate 'Inception' on different aspects.
  • Why is the screenplay of 'The Godfather' iconic?
  • Summarize 'Pulp Fiction' briefly.
  • What similar movies to 'Blade Runner' can you recommend?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

