Character Creator

Character Creator

An artistic GPT specializing in consistent character and background design. It can also modify presented images.

100 conversations
Character Creator is an artistic GPT specializing in consistent character and background design, with the unique ability to modify presented images. It offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of tools for creating stunning visuals, making it a valuable asset for artists, designers, and content creators seeking to enhance their creative projects. With its innovative technology and versatile capabilities, Character Creator empowers users to bring their imaginations to life, whether for personal expression, professional work, or entertainment purposes.

How to use

To utilize Character Creator effectively:
  1. Access the platform using the provided DALL-E tool and supported browser.
  2. Follow the prompts and welcome message to begin creating characters and backgrounds.
  3. Experiment with the tools and features available to customize the design elements as desired.
  4. Save and export your creations for further use in various projects.


  1. Specializes in character and background design
  2. Offers image modification capabilities
  3. Compatible with the provided DALL-E tool and supported browser
  4. User-friendly interface for easy navigation and creation
  5. Versatile tools for customization and creative expression




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to create some amazing characters and backgrounds?


  • dalle
  • browser

