Advanced DevOps Handbook

Advanced DevOps Handbook

The DevOps Expert's Guide offers state-of-the-art technical support in the field. The guide is designed to provide both practical and theoretical advice. For example, it can help solve specific challenges related to the implementation of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD).

The Advanced DevOps Handbook, authored by, provides cutting-edge technical guidance for DevOps professionals. Offering a blend of practical solutions and theoretical insights, this handbook serves as a valuable resource for addressing challenges related to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). DevOps practitioners can leverage this guide to enhance their understanding of modern DevOps practices and streamline their software development processes.

How to use

Bonjour! Comment puis-je vous aider avec DevOps aujourd'hui?
  1. Ask specific questions related to CI/CD or automation in DevOps.
  2. Seek advice on overcoming DevOps pipeline challenges.
  3. Utilize the tools such as Dalle and browser for practical implementation.


  1. The handbook offers insights on best practices for DevOps teams.
  2. Provides practical advice on automation in DevOps.
  3. Assists in solving DevOps pipeline problems.




English (English)

Welcome message

Bonjour! Comment puis-je vous aider avec DevOps aujourd'hui?

Prompt starters

  • How can I implement CI/CD in my project ?
  • Explain the benefits of automation in DevOps .
  • What are the best practices for DevOps teams ?
  • Can you help solve a DevOps pipeline problem ?


  • dalle
  • browser

