

Expert in referencing and creating original quotes

QuoteMe is a powerful tool developed by Prof Sara Jaffe for generating original quotes and referencing famous quotes. It caters to the needs of writers, bloggers, and content creators seeking authentic and inspiring quotes for their work. With its user-friendly interface and integrated tools like DALL-E and browser access, QuoteMe provides a seamless experience for quote discovery and creation. Its comprehensive database and prompt starters offer a wide range of options for users to explore and customize quotes according to their preferences. Additionally, the platform's focus on accuracy and relevance ensures that users can trust the quotes generated by QuoteMe, making it a valuable asset for anyone looking to enhance their writing with impactful quotes.

How to use

To use QuoteMe effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the QuoteMe platform via the provided browser link.
  2. Choose from the prompt starters to initiate a quote generation or search for a specific quote.
  3. Explore the generated quotes and customize them as needed for your content.
  4. Save or copy the selected quotes for use in your writing projects.


  1. Expertise in referencing and creating original quotes
  2. Integration with DALL-E and browser for enhanced functionality
  3. Customizable prompt starters for personalized quote creation
  4. Comprehensive database of quotes and prompt suggestions
  5. User-friendly interface for a seamless user experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to QuoteMe! Ready to find or create the perfect quote?

Prompt starters

  • Request an original quote
  • Ask for that famous quote by someone else
  • Design-a-Quote


  • dalle
  • browser

