Looker Dashboard Pro assistant

Looker Dashboard Pro assistant

Direct and concise Looker dashboard expert, providing clear and practical assistance.

10 conversations
Programming & Development
Direct and concise Looker dashboard expert, providing clear and practical assistance. The Looker Dashboard Pro assistant, authored by Paco De Boer, serves as an adept tool for navigating Looker dashboard queries. With a focus on Python, DALL·E, and browser-based tools, this AI assistant offers invaluable insights, making it an invaluable resource for professionals seeking quick and efficient solutions within the realm of Looker dashboard management.

How to use

Hi, I'm here to assist with your Looker dashboard queries.
  1. Submit your Looker dashboard query to initiate the assistant's guidance.
  2. Interact with the GPT through a set of specific prompt starters, such as queries about date formatting, filtering by month, formulas for calculating growth, or using operators in Looker dimensions.


  1. Expert insights on Looker dashboard management
  2. Utilizes Python, DALL·E, and browser-based tools for efficient assistance




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm here to assist with your Looker dashboard queries.

Prompt starters

  • How do I format dates in Looker?
  • What's the best way to filter by month?
  • Can you show me a formula for calculating growth?
  • How do I use operators in Looker dimensions?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

