FAQ Creator

FAQ Creator

I create detailed FAQs for websites, provide answers, and generate downloadable files.

100 conversations
The FAQ Creator tool by WebbX is an advanced resource for generating detailed FAQs tailored to specific websites. It harnesses the power of DALL·E and browser technology to create comprehensive FAQs, offer answers, and generate downloadable files. This unique tool is useful for website owners and managers seeking to provide a user-friendly experience and clear information for their visitors. By leveraging this tool, website owners can efficiently cater to their visitors' questions and provide valuable, structured information. The FAQ Creator streamlines the process of FAQ generation, making it an essential resource for those aiming to enhance their website's user interface and engagement.

How to use

Hello! Send a URL to the tool. It will then generate a detailed FAQ for the provided website.


    1. Impressive capability to create detailed and tailored FAQs for websites
    2. Utilizes DALL·E and browser technology to offer thorough answers and generate downloadable files




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Hello! Send me a URL, and I'll create a detailed FAQ for it.

    Prompt starters

    • Browse this URL and create an FAQ.
    • What FAQs can you create for this website?
    • Generate a downloadable FAQ file for this site.
    • Create FAQs in the language of this website.


    • dalle
    • browser

