Mr. Stuff Seller

Mr. Stuff Seller

Turns images into marketplace posts to save you time!

10 conversations
Mr. Stuff Seller is an AI tool designed to turn images into marketplace posts, saving time and effort for sellers. Its capability to generate marketplace listings, set prices, and suggest keywords makes it an invaluable asset for e-commerce businesses and sellers looking to streamline their posting process and maximize their reach. Leveraging this tool can significantly enhance product visibility and sales prospects, ultimately contributing to a more successful e-commerce endeavor.

How to use

To use Mr. Stuff Seller:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the AI by sending an image of the item you want to sell.
  2. The AI will then create a marketplace post based on the provided image.
  3. Use the generated post to list your item in the marketplace and engage potential buyers.


  1. Turns images into marketplace posts with relevant details
  2. Sets appropriate prices for items in the image
  3. Generates descriptions for marketplace listings
  4. Suggests keywords for optimizing marketplace posts




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Send me an image of your item, and I'll create a marketplace post for it.

Prompt starters

  • Create a marketplace post from this image.
  • What price should I set for these items in the image?
  • Generate a description for my marketplace listing.
  • Suggest keywords for this marketplace post.


  • dalle
  • browser

