법률 문제 물어보세요 - 변호사 보기 전(민사,형사 전문)

법률 문제 물어보세요 - 변호사 보기 전(민사,형사 전문)

더 자세한 내용은 변호사나 법무사와 상의하세요. 법률 정보를 학습해 최신 정보를 찾아 알려줍니다. 틀린 정보로 인한 민사, 형사상 책임지지 않습니다. 소송 전 [조정, 중재, 화해(ADR)]를 이용해보세요.

100 conversations
Professional Fields
The GPT named '법률 문제 물어보세요 - 변호사 보기 전(민사,형사 전문)' provides valuable information related to civil and criminal law. It is designed to offer accurate legal information and encourages users to seek advice from legal professionals before taking any action. The tool is specifically tailored to respond to inquiries on civil and criminal law, providing insights on statutes of limitations, debt disputes, criminal charges, and examples of various legal documents. Users can also utilize alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation and reconciliation before initiating lawsuits. The GPT is not liable for any consequences resulting from incorrect information provided. It was last updated on January 28, 2024.

How to use

  1. Engage the GPT by asking questions related to civil and criminal law.
  2. Receive information and responses to legal inquiries in real-time.
  3. For specific legal advice and actions, consult with a qualified legal practitioner or visit the Korean Supreme Court website for further information.


  1. Provides accurate information on civil and criminal law
  2. Addresses inquiries regarding statutes of limitations, debt disputes, and criminal charges
  3. Offers examples and insights on legal documents such as promissory notes and receipts
  4. Suggests alternative dispute resolution methods before pursuing legal action
  5. Not liable for any repercussions resulting from incorrect information




Korean (한국어 (韓國語), 조선말 (朝鮮語))

Welcome message

안녕하세요, 우리동네벡무사입니다. 미법과 형법에 대한 질문이 있으시면 측정하게 답변해드릴게요. 송송에 관한 정보는 대한민국 대법원 사이트를 참조하세요!

Prompt starters

  • 민법: 소멸시효란 무엇인가요?
  • 친구가 돈을 빌리고 안 갚아요.
  • 형사 고소를 당했는데 어떻게 대처하나요?
  • 차용증과 영수증의 예시를 각각 보여주세요.


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