Your Deductive Power? - The Mystery Game

Your Deductive Power? - The Mystery Game

Unleash your inner detective with 'Your Deductive Power?' - a unique, interactive mystery game. Enhance your reasoning with our multi-genre puzzles, tiered S-E ratings, real-time feedback, and rich storylines. Dive into diverse, engaging narratives and sharpen your deductive skills!

10 conversations
Unleash your inner detective with 'Your Deductive Power?' - a unique, interactive mystery game. Enhance your reasoning with multi-genre puzzles, tiered S-E ratings, real-time feedback, and rich storylines. Dive into diverse, engaging narratives and sharpen your deductive skills!

How to use

Get started with 'Your Deductive Power?'
  1. Discover and engage with the diverse narratives and rich storylines.
  2. Enhance your reasoning by solving multi-genre puzzles and achieving tiered S-E ratings.
  3. Receive real-time feedback to sharpen your deductive skills.


  1. Unique, interactive mystery game experience
  2. Multi-genre puzzles for enhanced reasoning
  3. Tiered S-E ratings and real-time feedback
  4. Diverse and engaging narratives




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Have you ever solved a mystery in 'Your Deductive Power?' What was your strategy?
  • Which genre in 'The Mystery Game' do you find most challenging?
  • What's the most intriguing puzzle you've encountered in our game?
  • How did you feel when you achieved your highest rating in deductive reasoning?


  • dalle
  • browser

