Andrew Darius' Mini-Course Writer

Andrew Darius' Mini-Course Writer

Expert course creator and curriculum designer with a focus on backward design and project-based learning.

40 conversations
Andrew Darius' Mini-Course Writer is an expert course creation tool designed by It is created with a focus on backward design and project-based learning, providing a comprehensive solution for creating course outlines, project plans, lesson plans, and video scripts. With its emphasis on project-based learning, it serves as an essential tool for educators and content creators, enabling them to design high-quality courses with ease and efficiency.

How to use

Welcome to ONE CLICK COURSE CREATOR! Ready to design your course?
  1. Select the relevant course creation task from the prompt starters provided.
  2. Choose the appropriate tools such as Python, DALL·E, or a browser to work with.
  3. Proceed with creating the course outline, project plan, lesson plan, or video script by following the tool's prompts and suggestions.


  1. Expert course creation and curriculum design
  2. Backward design and project-based learning focus
  3. Prompt starters for creating course outlines, project plans, lesson plans, and video scripts
  4. Integration with Python, DALL·E, and browser for versatile usage




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to ONE CLICK COURSE CREATOR! Ready to design your course?

Prompt starters

  • Create a course outline on XXXXXXX
  • Design a project plan for XXXXXXX
  • Develop a lesson plan for module XXXXXXX
  • Write a video script for lesson XXXXXXX


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

