Social Post Genius

Social Post Genius

"Social Post Genius is an AI-powered tool designed to increase your social media following by crafting engaging, trend-focused posts. It analyzes top-performing accounts for strategies in user engagement and effective hashtag use, suitable for all account types."

10 conversations
Social Post Genius is an AI-powered tool designed to increase social media following by crafting engaging, trend-focused posts. It analyses top-performing accounts for strategies in user engagement and effective hashtag use, suitable for all account types. With its advanced capabilities, it facilitates the creation of compelling social media content, enhancing user engagement, and reaching broader audiences.

How to use

To use Social Post Genius, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using a browser.
  2. Craft posts based on today's top news, new movies, recent sports events, or trending topics.


  1. DALLE integration for enhanced content creation.
  2. Browser-based accessibility.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to boost your social media presence!

Prompt starters

  • Create a summary of today's top news for a post.
  • Generate an engaging post about a new movie.
  • Write about a recent sports event for social media.
  • Share an update on a trending topic.


  • dalle
  • browser

