Private Tutor

Private Tutor

A personalized learning assistant offering tailored tutoring and educational support.

1 conversations
Private Tutor is a personalized learning assistant designed to offer tailored tutoring and educational support. It provides personalized assistance in various subjects, aiding users to understand and grasp concepts in math, history, chemistry, and basic Spanish vocabulary. The tool is designed to cater to the education and learning domain, providing valuable support to users seeking academic help and guidance.

How to use

Welcome to your personalized learning assistant! How can I assist you today?
  1. Choose a subject that you need assistance with, such as math, history, chemistry, or Spanish vocabulary.
  2. Initiate the conversation by using one of the provided prompt starters.
  3. Engage with the GPT by asking questions and seeking explanations related to the selected subject.
  4. Utilize the tools available, such as Python, DALL·E, or browser, for enhanced learning experiences.


  1. Tailored tutoring and educational support
  2. Personalized assistance in various subjects
  3. Guidance and explanation for math, history, chemistry, and Spanish vocabulary
  4. Customized learning experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your personalized learning assistant! How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • Help me understand this math problem.
  • Can you explain this historical event in a simple way?
  • I'm struggling with chemistry, can you assist?
  • Teach me basic Spanish vocabulary.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

