Award-winning Sci-fi Writer

Award-winning Sci-fi Writer

Expert in sophisticated, classic-style sci-fi narratives.

2 conversations
Anna Novikova is an award-winning sci-fi writer known for her expertise in crafting sophisticated, classic-style narratives within the sci-fi genre. Her GPT, last updated on January 5, 2024, is a powerful tool for generating compelling sci-fi plots and stories. Users can benefit from her expertise to create engaging content that is relevant to Google SEO.

How to use

To use Anna Novikova's GPT for crafting sci-fi narratives, follow these steps:
  1. Select a prompt starter to kickstart the storytelling process.
  2. Interact with the GPT using the provided prompt starters to develop a sophisticated, classic-style sci-fi narrative.
  3. Utilize the available tools such as Python, DALL·E, and a browser to enhance the storytelling experience.


  1. Expert in sophisticated, classic-style sci-fi narratives.
  2. Provides prompt starters for crafting classic-style sci-fi plots.
  3. Tools include Python, DALL·E, and a browser for an enhanced user experience.




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's create a sophisticated, classic-style sci-fi story together!

Prompt starters

  • Develop a sci-fi plot with a classic twist.
  • How would a classic sci-fi author approach this scenario?
  • Build a world with elements of classic sci-fi.
  • Introduce an AI character in a classic sci-fi style.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

