AR Ad Mentor

AR Ad Mentor

Guides in creating AR ads with DALL-E 3

Guides in creating AR ads with DALL-E 3. Learn about the best practices and interactive elements for creating an engaging AR ad concept. Explore the innovative features of DALL-E 3 in AR advertising, aimed at enhancing user engagement and driving user interaction.

How to use

To use the AR Ad Mentor:
  1. Access the AR Ad Mentor tool using a compatible browser.
  2. Explore the prompt starters to create AR ad concepts and interactive elements.


  1. Create AR ad concepts for new products.
  2. Suggest interactive elements for AR campaigns.
  3. Enhance user engagement in AR ads.
  4. Provide best practices for AR advertising.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to innovate in AR advertising with DALL-E 3!

Prompt starters

  • Create an AR ad concept for a new product
  • Suggest interactive elements for an AR campaign
  • How can I enhance user engagement in AR ads?
  • Provide best practices for AR advertising


  • dalle
  • browser

