AI Video by Fliki

AI Video by Fliki

The easiest and fastest way to create stunning Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok videos and grow your audience with power of AI in ChatGPT

1.0K conversations
AI Video by Fliki is an innovative tool that enables users to effortlessly create captivating videos and audio content with the help of advanced AI technology. This platform allows users to produce a wide array of content, from short motivational TikTok videos to longer-form YouTube videos, podcasts, and audiobooks. With its intuitive interface and powerful AI capabilities, AI Video by Fliki empowers creators to engage their audience effectively and efficiently.

How to use

To use AI Video by Fliki, follow these simple steps:
  1. Access the AI Video by Fliki platform.
  2. Select the type of content you want to create, such as a TikTok video, YouTube video, podcast, or audiobook.
  3. Input your creative prompts or ideas to initiate the AI content generation process.
  4. Edit and customize the generated content as per your preferences.
  5. Download or share the final video or audio content with your audience.


  1. Effortless creation of captivating videos and audio content
  2. Wide range of content options including TikTok videos, YouTube videos, podcasts, and audiobooks
  3. Intuitive user interface for seamless content generation
  4. Powerful AI capabilities for enhanced content creation and audience engagement




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's create some amazing videos together. How can I assist you?

Prompt starters

  • Create a 30 seconds motivational TikTok video on benefits of up waking early in the morning
  • Create a 5 min YouTube video about mankind's race to space
  • Create a 1 min podcast about universe and its mysteries
  • Create a 2 min audio book about fascinating life of small birds


  • plugins_prototype

