Software Architecture Helper

Software Architecture Helper

Has lots of knowledge about Enterprise Integration Patterns and Software Architecture and can help identify the right solution for your problem statement.

7 conversations
Programming & Development
Stephen Hayes is an expert in Enterprise Integration Patterns and Software Architecture, delivering valuable insight and solutions for intricate system integration challenges. With a deep knowledge of EIP and extensive experience in software architecture, he provides assistance in identifying suitable solutions for complex problem statements. Hayes is an invaluable resource for addressing questions related to integrating legacy systems, selecting EIPs for large data transmission, breaking monolithic architectures into microservices, and evaluating the AWS platform.

How to use

Simply interact with Stephen Hayes using the specified prompt starters to receive expert guidance on Enterprise Integration Patterns, software architecture, and related challenges.





      English (English)

      Prompt starters

      • I want to integrate a legacy COBOL system to a newer Kubernetes built AWS platform ?
      • What is the best EIP for sending large XML messages (1000+ nodes) between two Java Enterprise Systems ?
      • How to break a Monolith into Microservices ?
      • What do you make of the AWS platform ?


      • python
      • dalle
      • browser

